Frank James (January 10, 1843–February 18, 1915) is believed to have personally killed at least seventeen men. On August 21, 1863, he set out with William Clark Quantrill to demolish Lawrence, Kansas. The raiders massacred 200 unarmed civilians. Bloody Bill Anderson’s bushwhackers stopped the train at Centralia, Missouri on September 27, 1864. Frank and Jesse helped slaughter and scalp twenty-four unarmed Union Soldiers on leave. With all the blood on his hands, you’d think Frank would be hated. So how did he become a folk hero?
He suffered. Yes, he was wounded in the Civil War. Who wasn’t? The true telling point was injustice. When authorities couldn’t locate Frank, they punished his family. Union soldiers made demands of the James boys’ formidable, nearly-six-foot-tall mother. Embattled Zerelda James Samuel told them nothing, not even when they tortured and hanged her third husband. Dr. Samuel survived, but that was not the end of atrocities against Frank’s family.
Yes, the James boys hated Yankees. They hated banks because the war left farmers too strapped to pay their bills. Many lost their land. They hated trains because railroads rode into Missouri on iron rails of greed and corruption. The Missouri Kansas, Texas railroad charged farmers more to ship their wheat to market than the wheat was worth.
Chasing reward money on January 26, 1875, Pinkerton detectives sneaked up to Frank’s mother’s home. A flare lamp tossed through a window killed Frank’s nine-year-old half brother Archie. The blast shattered Zerelda’s right arm which had to be amputated.